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Showing posts from April, 2016

India got its own GPS system

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on Thursday(28-4-2016) launched( Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System  )   IRNSS-1G , the last in the series of seven navigation satellites.and the setup for the Indian Navigation System has been completed with the launch of this satellite.  Only few countries in the world like US,European Union,Russia,china has it own GPS system's, Now India Enters into the club. With this satellite  the country will not have to depend on a foreign power for a military navigation anymore. Its a proud moment for all Indians. Details IRNSS system consist of only seven satellites which make it regional navigation where other's has more than 20 satellites and global in nature. The system will be fully operational in a month time which offers air and marine navigation,vehicle tracking disaster management,mapping,geodetic data capture, it can be integrated to mobile. It provides St...

How to Hack Your College/Hostel Wifi

Do you want to use the maximum bandwidth of your wifi connection ?? Do you want to block others using the wifi connection?? Step 1:Go to and download netcut software click here to goto download page Step 2:Install it (Note :After installing Netcut it will ask your permission to install winPcap,You have                           to Install both the Netcut and WinPcap ) Step 3:Open Netcut as an administrator Step 4:Identify your laptop ip and wifi router ip. Step 5:Except your lap ip and router ip block all others ip by clicking on each ip and clicking                           cutoff(ready) tab,After blocking you will find like this Step 6:If u want to unblock an IP just click on it and click Resume tab Step 7:To avoid blocking your mobile/devices connected on the same network check for your       ...

How to work on unix server using Telnet

 Do you wanna work on Unix Platform ?    (with Internet)         No need of installing an Unix OS just follow the instruction below. Step 1: Ensure that Telnet is Enabled in your machine(If u dont know just visit the link)                To Install Telnet in your system click here Step 2: Go to Step 3: Create an account  Step 4:After that login with your email and password Step 5:Now click on Join queue Step 6: Click on "switch on" tab and wait for the boot progress to become complete Step 7:Now under connect Click on URL Telnet and a popup will appear (Ensure that popup are enabled in your browser) Step 8:Now Launch the application a telnet prompt will be opened              Login: root             Password: secure If u have any doubts watch this video Thats all now u can...

How to Work on Unix in My windows PC without Internet

   Do you wanna work on Unix Platform ?      (without internet)          No need of installing an Unix OS just follow the instruction below Step 1:Download cygwin installer from internet                          Click here to goto download page Step 2:After Downloading open it Click Install from Internet Choose Direct Connection Choose  any one of the servers After that click on Next till you get a window given below                                  Now Choose CUR on your top right and click on Next and proceed.It will take a lot time (Depends upon ur connection) Step 3:After Downloading and Installation Completed.Now its time to configure system variables Step 4;Got MyComputer->C drive->cygwin ->bin Now Copy the pat...

How to Install Telnet In Windows

Telnet  is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote computers. Through  Telnet , an administrator or another user can access someone else's computer remotely. Its very easy to telnet in your Computer.Using Telnet you can work on unix server available online,communication with microcontroller and many more.Here are some steps how to install telnet in your computer Step 1: Go to  Start->type TurnWindowsFeatures On Step 2:Open it and wait for a while Step 3:Now choose telnet server and telnet client from the available option Step 4:Click on Ok and Restart your computer  Now Telnet has been installed in your computer For doubts watch this video

How to create distilled water in Home

Distilled water  is  water  that has had many of its  impurities  removed through  distillation . Distillation involves  boiling  the water and then condensing the  steam  into a clean container.It has variety of applications.Mostly it is used in batteries by the normal people.It is very easy to make So here are the steps to make Distilled water at home.          1.Take a closed jar which has the opening at the top                                ( cooker ,kettle are recommended for this process.)          2.Now add a tube to the opening or just make an arrangement such that the steam should         directed toward a plate or surface.Now the steam will be converted into water droplets when it hits the surface.         3.Collect the water dr...

Reuse Your Rechargeable Batteries

Did your UPS/Bike battery got expired ?? Dont throw it you can again reuse it Warning:This method is only for Lead Acid batteries,not for Lithium ion battery My desktop ups battery has expired and it was in dead I want to recycle the battery …this is a effective way and this method is used in battery servicing stations ….it’s so simple and easy..U can do it in your home STEP 1: things required 1)  Water  (more pure the water more effective outcome better u can use  distilled water )              you can use water that available in your home,but distilled water is more effective                 ( click here for How to make distilled water in home)                                                               ...

Create Your Own Folder Lock

Cool Hack to Create Your Own Folder Lock Step  1: Go to the folder where you wanna create a Your Own Folder Lock                Step 2:Open a notepad and copy the given Code cls  @ECHO OFF  title Folder Personal  if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK  if NOT EXIST Personal goto MDLOCKER  :CONFIRM  echo Enabling Lock::Waiting for Conformation (y/n)  set/p "cho=>"  if %cho%==Y goto LOCK  if %cho%==y goto LOCK  if %cho%==n goto END  if %cho%==N goto END  echo Invalid choice.  goto CONFIRM  :LOCK  ren Private "HTG Locker"  attrib +h +s "HTG Locker"  echo Folder locked  goto End  :UNLOCK  echo Enter password to unlock folder  set/p "pass=>"  if NOT %pass%== mypassword  goto FAIL  attrib -h -s "HTG Locker"  ren "HTG Locker" Personal  echo ERR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD::FOLDER UNLOC...