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Create Your Own Folder Lock

Cool Hack to Create Your Own Folder Lock

Step  1: Go to the folder where you wanna create a Your Own Folder Lock
Step 2:Open a notepad and copy the given Code

title Folder Personal 
if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK 
if NOT EXIST Personal goto MDLOCKER 
echo Enabling Lock::Waiting for Conformation (y/n) 
set/p "cho=>" 
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==n goto END 
if %cho%==N goto END 
echo Invalid choice. 
ren Private "HTG Locker" 
attrib +h +s "HTG Locker" 
echo Folder locked 
goto End 
echo Enter password to unlock folder 
set/p "pass=>" 
if NOT %pass%== mypassword
 goto FAIL 
attrib -h -s "HTG Locker" 
ren "HTG Locker" Personal 
goto End 
echo Invalid password 
goto end 
md Personal
echo Folder named Personal created successfully 
goto End 

Step 3:Go to File->Save As in notepad menu

 Note:In the given code replace the mypassword with the password you wanna use to your      folder

and  save it name.bat and select Save Type as : all files 

Step 4: Once You saved it  you will get an icon like this, it is batch file

Step 5:double click it
Step 6:Now a new folder named as "personal" will be created
Step 7:Now Place Your Contents in that folder
Step 8:Now Once again click that name.bat batch file
Step 9:Now a command prompt window will open as ask ur permission to lock
Step 10:type "y" and that's all
Step 11:To Unlock the folder open the name.bat this time it will ask for the password
(Note:For extra security just right click name.bat  Properties->General->Attributes _click hidden ,and if you enable view hidden file in view you can view the name.bat file)


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